10 Years of KTA

Over the past ten years, Kitchen Table Advisors – our purpose, vision, and work – has been guided by the voices and visions of small sustainable farmers and ranchers. As our business advising program has grown from 15 farmer and rancher clients in 2013 to 172 clients now served, we’ve looked to our shared learnings and relationships to ensure our vision for a reimagined food system continues to center clients’ lived experiences.

We invite you to join us in not only reflecting, but also in the collective rebuilding of a vibrant, farmer-led food system that nurtures their self-determination and resiliency.

A Decade of Growing Community

To commemorate ten years of co-evolution and connection, we have created a film, “A Decade of Growing Community,” celebrating the beautiful stories of three farmer and rancher clients (Ge Moua of Moua Farm, Javier Cruz of Cruz Martinez Farm, and Dede Boies of Root Down Farm) and the ways KTA has grown alongside them. We are honored to share their journeys with you.

The film was produced by Inspira Studios.


Meet the Featured Farmers & Ranchers

Dede Boies, Root Down Farm

Ge Moua, Moua Farm

Javier Cruz, Cruz Martinez Farm


KTA’s Annual Reports

Our Annual Reports are an invitation to join us in reflecting and celebrating the milestones we’ve marked, programs we’ve launched and evolved, and the impact we’re continuing to define and assess.


More Ways to Show Up!

There are many ways for you to show up alongside small sustainable farmers and ranchers in our regional food communities. We’re deeply grateful for your support over these past 10 years, and look forward to continuing to transform our food system together.

Head to our Love Local Guide to connect with our clients’ regional direct-to-customer sales outlets, including CSAs, farmers markets, online stores, and more.


KTA is hosting a virtual series to deepen our community’s understanding of our work supporting small-scale regenerative farms and ranches. From July through September, we will engage in conversations covering climate resiliency, land access, and the future of KTA’s programmatic work.


It takes all of us working together to rebuild our food system toward community, justice, and ecological responsibility. If you haven’t yet joined us in this work, there’s always room for one more at the kitchen table.


A Moment for Gratitude

Thank you to everyone who was able to join us, in-person and virtually, for our 10th Anniversary Celebrations at the David Brower Center in September and the Hay Barn at UC Santa Cruz in October. Both events were beautiful and filled with joy and community.

We hope you will gather with us again in 2024.

Photo Credits: Inspira Studios, Evan Chang